Recruitment Process
The Recruitment Process is an ongoing, statewide process. The Illinois State Police coordinator travels to college career conferences to discuss employment opportunities as a State Trooper and provide detailed information about the Recruitment Process and subsequent Selection Process. Any person interested in becoming a State Trooper may apply by clicking here and completing an online application.
Once the online application process is successfully completed, applicants will be placed in a pool waiting for Recruitment Testing. When a testing date has been identified, EVERY applicant in the pool will be invited to the Recruitment Test. The Recruitment Test is a one day MANDATORY event and consists of the following:
- Orientation Session - The orientation session consists of a review of the Recruitment and Selection Processes, and a review of fitness standards.
- Fitness Test - The Fitness Test is a four-item, pass or fail, test. Click here to read a breakdown of the four item test and view a video demonstrating each item on the fitness test.
- Written Test - Two tests will be administered. First a personnel report test that assesses ethic and moral character, work attitudes, and overall employment suitability. The second test is The National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory. This test includes both a cognitive (i.e., problem solving) component and an attitude/personality (i.e., criminal justice officer orientation) component.
Applicants who successfully complete both the Fitness and Written Tests will be placed in an eligibility pool where they remain until a cadet class is scheduled and the Selection Process is initiated, or their eligibility expires, whichever comes first. A candidate's eligibility period is good for at least one year from the date of their Recruitment Test, but could be extended for a longer period. The time-frame of the eligibly pool will be determined by State budget issues and needs of the Illinois State Police.
All steps in this process are mandatory and cannot be rescheduled for any reason. Applicants are given as much advance notice as possible for upcoming events.